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          After the delayed flight from Malaysia, we finally arrived in Bandung, Indonesia on the 7th of August 2018 at around 8:00 o’clock in the morning, together with our program dean, Dr. Jo-ann Y. Solomon and one of our teachers, Mr. Rene M. Babiera III. Pak Fachru and Nisa (one of our buddies) fetched us at the airport. We immediately went to the university that were assigned to which is the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). The UPI provided us the dormitory where we stayed for almost a month.















          On the next day, we had our opening program where we met our mentors, other delegates, the principal of our assigned school, the deputy, and the administrators of UPI. I was assigned in SMP Labschool UPI. The school was just inside the campus so I just walk from the dormitory to the school.

          For the first week in SMP Labschool UPI, I had my school orientation and observation. Pak Kurniawan toured us around the school and even introduced to the principal and other teachers. After the tour, I observed the class of VII C. I observed the diversity of the learners, the teachers' strategies in teaching and how she dealt with the learner differences.




























































        On the 11th of August 2018, we went to Saung Angklung Udjo where we witnessed the culture of Indonesia. The show was amazing, and it inspires me to know more about the culture, tradition and practices of Indonesia.

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          On the second week, We joined the flag ceremony of the SMP Labschool UPI and witness how they do it. We observed our mentor how he teaches and handle the class. I’ve noticed, there are lots of activities he conducts for the students to cooperate and get their attention. From that, I gained knowledge on dealing with the diversity of the class and bear on my mind that I should establish a time management and give the students lots of activity.


           I was assigned in all the sections of the 7th grade and there were 30 students each section. Teaching for the first time in the VII A. It was an unforgettable experienced because I didn’t expect that the students would respond to me, especially I am from different country and I was nervous because I don’t know how to start my lesson and deal with the students. Fortunately, I delivered the lesson well and Pak Kurniawan was happy, at the beginning he was worried about me because he can see on my face that I am nervous, he thought that I cannot deliver the lesson well but on the last part he was shock by seeing I was able to manage the class and ended it well.










          On the 16th of August, The SMP Labschool UPI celebrated the Indonesia’s Independence Day or “Tujuh Belasan”. It was a memorable moment not just for me, but also for Jason and Phon because we experienced to joined Indonesian games and how the students organized an activity.












      Celebrated the Indonesia’s Independence Day at Bumi Siliwangi where all of us experienced lots of games and was able to join. Each of us won different prizes from the UPI, we also met new friends and witness how they celebrate their Independence Day.





       Unexpected collaborative teaching with Suwaphon in the special section which is the 7F. We accepted the challenge, though we don’t know how we are going to handle the class. Fortunately, with the help of each other we delivered the lesson well and able to manage the class.


     The SMP Labschool celebrated the Eid Adha by sacrificing two goats and one cow. Qurbani, or Udhiyah as it known in Arabic, is the word that describes the sacrifice of an animal to Allah (swt) during the period of Eid ul Adha. The Muslim world celebrates and honours the tradition of the Prophet Ibrahim (Alahi Salaam) by sacrificing an animal and distributing the meat to those in need.The general rule is that Qurbani should be performed by adults of sane mind and affordable means. Qurban animals have shares. Sheep and goats have one share each, camels and cattle each have seven shares. So for a single person, Qurbani is fulfilled with a sheep or a goat. Up to seven people can share in the purchase of a cow or a camel, and the sacrifice will be made for the seven. The school shows how much they value their religion by following its practice and sacrificing the animals. Also, I've noticed the dedication of all the teachers, administrators, personnel and the principal of the school because they really nurture the minds of the students of their practice which is the Qurban.








             I had my final demonstration on the VII C. It was an unforgettable moment because my students really participated and was able to understand the lesson.















          Our cooperating teacher requested us to join the flag ceremony for the last time and say goodbye to the teachers and of course the students. It made me cry, especially when my students told me that they will miss me, and they thank me for teaching them. As a pre-service teacher I am glad that in a short period of time, the students respected and appreciated the efforts I've done. It is truly fulfilling in my part.





































        Because it was my last week, I was too emotional because our journey was close to coming to an end. I was also thinking about missing the other delegates who's gotten closer to me, my students, the SMP Labschool teacher and everyone in Bandung. I was saddened, but I knew that it was just the first step towards my journey of becoming a teacher. Even though my journey in Bandung has already ended, my journey as a future educator has just started.


       I realized that it is really important to be knowledgeable enough of your specialized subject and be fully ready before going to your classes because students are very curious about life and they have many questions that needs to be answered. I've learned new and appropriate methods and strategies that I will be using in my future career.















      Until now, I still can't believe that I went to Bandung for internship. It is true that money can't buy experience. Whenever there is an opportunity like this, grab it. You really have to risk even if the future is still unknown or if it will lead to success or failure. Because either way, you will still learn a lot of life lessons that will surely guide you on your way to success. In the end, what matters the most are your investments-- the things that you've invested to make things happen. My experience in Bandung was truly priceless and unforgettable and it is something that cannot be replaced with money. If I will go back to the day that I was asked to join this program, I would definitely still say yes. I don't really always make the right decisions, but the decision of going to Bandung for internship is one of the decisions that I would never regret, would never forget, and would forever treasure. I could say that it's my edge to be part of the SEAMEO because I was able to experience teaching in a culture different from mine and was able to deal with diverse students. I could use all the learnings and feedback i got from my Cooperating teacher when I am already in the field of work. Also, i learned to reflect on my flaws and lapses and always strive to be better and do the best. Making adjustments won't be easy but when you put your heart and yourself into something, everything will follow.

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